Module prolog abstract level 0 (prlgabs0)

  • Depends on: baseabs
  • Member of the default grove plan

No normalisation rules

Additional properties:

node class SGMLDOC

Node classes:

Additional properties for sgml document (sgmldoc)

Data typeDescriptionNote
governing doctype (govdt)Node (internal ref)

The document type that governs the parse. When there are more than one "active" document types specified, each active document type gives rise to a separate parse, which, in turn, creates a separate sgmldoc grove.

document types and link types (doctypes and linktypes, dtlts)Named node list (subnode)

The document types and link types declared in the prolog, in declaration order.

Node class document type (doctype)

Content propertynone

The abstraction of a document type declaration.


It includes entities declared in that declaration's DTD, entities treated as being declared therein because they occur in a link type for which that DTD is the source DTD, and entities declared in the base declaration which may be referenced when this document type is active.

Data typeDescriptionNote

The name associated with the DTD by the document type declaration; necessarily also the name of the type of the outermost element.

governing (govrning)Boolean

True if either this was the active document type or there was no active document type and this is the base document type.

The "governing" document type governs the parsing process. If more than one document type is specified as "active", each active document type gives rise to a separate parse, for which it is the governing document type, and thereby produces a separate grove.

general entities (genents)Named node list (subnode)

The general entities of the document or subdocument declared in the DTD.

Includes entities not explicitly declared, as discussed above in the description of this class.

If the DTD provides a default declaration for undeclared general entity names, there is no entry in the list corresponding to this declaration, nor any entry for any such undeclared name, except for those defaulted entities referenced within the DTD (e.g. in CDATA attribute values). Other defaulted entities are in the entities property of the sgmldoc class. See dfltent following.

notations (nots)Named node list (subnode)

Node class entity

Content propertynone
Data typeDescriptionNote
entity type (enttype)Enumerated value
  • SGML text (text)
  • cdata
  • sdata
  • ndata
  • subdocument (subdoc)
  • pi
replacement text (text)String
external identifier (external id, extid)Node (subnode)
attributes (atts)Named node list (subnode)

A list of data attribute assignments, one for each declared attribute of the entity in the order in which they were declared in the attribute definition list declaration.

notation name (notname)String
notationNode (internal ref)

Node class data content notation (notation)

Content propertynone
Data typeDescriptionNote
external identifier (external id, extid)Node (subnode)

Node class external identifier (external id, extid)

Content propertynone
Data typeDescriptionNote
public identifier (public id, pubid)String
system identifier (system id, sysid)String
generated system identifier (generated system id, gensysid)String

The system identifier generated by the system from the external identifier and other information available to the system.