Module SGML architecture abstract (arcabs)

These properties relate the groves created from architectural documents to the client documents from which they were derived.

No normalisation rules

Additional properties:

node class SGMLDOC

node class ELEMENT

node class ENTITY

node class DATACHAR

node class SDATA

node class EXTDATA

node class SUBDOC

No node classes

Additional properties for sgml document (sgmldoc)

Data typeDescriptionNote
architecture name (arc name, arcname)String

The name of the architecture for which this document is an architectural document of its client document.

architectural documents (arc docs, arcdocs)Named node list (unrestricted ref)

The architectural documents derivable from this document.

client document (client doc, cltdoc)Node (unrestricted ref)

The document of which this document is an architectural document.

Additional properties for element

Data typeDescriptionNote
architecture name (arc name, arcname)String

The name of the architecture for which this element is an architectural element of its client element.

architectural elements (arc elements, arcelems)Named node list (unrestricted ref)

The architectural elements derivable from this element.

client element (cltelem)Node (unrestricted ref)

The element of which this element is an architectural element.

Additional properties for entity

Data typeDescriptionNote
architecture name (arc name, arcname)String

The name of the architecture for which this entity is an architectural entity of its client element.

architectural entities (arc entities, arcents)Named node list (unrestricted ref)

The architectural entities derivable from this entity.

client entity (cltent)Node (unrestricted ref)

The entity of which this entity is an architectural entity.

Additional properties for data character (data char, datachar)

Data typeDescriptionNote
architecture name (arc name, arcname)String

The name of the architecture for which this data character is an architectural data character of its client data character.

architectural data characters (arc data chars, arcdata)Named node list (unrestricted ref)

The architectural data characters derivable from this data character.

client data char (cltdata)Node (unrestricted ref)

The data character of which this data character is an architectural data character.

Additional properties for internal specific character data entity reference result (sdata)

Data typeDescriptionNote
architecture name (arc name, arcname)String

The name of the architecture for which this system data is architectural system data of its client system data.

architectural internal specific character data entity reference result (arc sdata, arcsdata)Named node list (unrestricted ref)

The architectural system data derivable from this system data.

client internal specific character data entity reference result (client sdata, cltsdata)Node (unrestricted ref)

The system data of which this system data is architectural system data.

Additional properties for reference to external data (external data, extdata)

Data typeDescriptionNote
architecture name (arc name, arcname)String

The name of the architecture for which this external data is architectural external data of its client external data.

architectural external data (arc external data, arcexdat)Named node list (unrestricted ref)

The architectural external data derivable from this external data.

client external data (cltexdat)Node (unrestricted ref)

The external data of which this external data is architectural external data.

Additional properties for reference to subdocument (subdocument, subdoc)

Data typeDescriptionNote
architecture name (arc name, arcname)String

The name of the architecture for which this subdocument reference is architectural subdocument reference of its client subdocument reference.

architectural references to subdocuments (arc subdocuments, arcsubds)Named node list (unrestricted ref)

The architectural subdocument reference derivable from this subdocument reference.

client reference to subdocument (client subdocument, cltsubdc)Node (unrestricted ref)

The subdocument reference of which this subdocument reference is an architectural subdocument reference.