Module instance abstract (instabs)

  • Depends on: baseabs
  • Member of the default grove plan

No normalisation rules

Additional properties:

node class SGMLDOC

node class ATTVALTK

Node classes:

Additional properties for sgml document (sgmldoc)

Data typeDescriptionNote
document element (docelem)Node (subnode)

The document element for the governing document type.

elementsNamed node list (internal ref)

All the elements in the document which have unique identifiers in the order in which they are detected by the parser: parents occur before children; siblings occur in left-to-right order.

entitiesNamed node list (internal ref)

The explicitly declared general entities from the governing document type, followed by the defaulted entities.

This includes both internal and external entities. It does not include unnamed entities.

defaulted entities (dfltents)Named node list (subnode)

An entity for each entity name in the document that referenced the default entity in the governing document type.

Additional properties for attribute value token (attvaltk)

Data typeDescriptionNote
entityNode (internal ref)
notationNode (internal ref)
referentNode (internal ref)

Node class element

Content propertyCONTENT
Data typeDescriptionNote
generic identifier (gi)String

Generic identifier (element type name) of element.

unique identifier (id)String
attributes (atts)Named node list (subnode)

A list of attribute assignments, one for each declared attribute of the element in the order in which they were declared in the attribute definition list declaration.

contentNode list (subnode)

Node class reference to external data (external data, extdata)

Content propertynone

The result of referencing an external data entity.

Data typeDescriptionNote
entity name (entname)String
entityNode (internal ref)