Module formal system identifier abstract (fsiabs)

No normalisation rules

Additional properties:

node class EXTID

Node classes:

Additional properties for external identifier (external id, extid)

Data typeDescriptionNote
formal system identifier (formal system id, fsi)Node (subnode)

Node class formal system identifier (formal system id, fsi)

Content propertySOSSEQS
Data typeDescriptionNote
included entities (inclents)Node list (internal ref)

Entities included from notation data, specified using the "included" FSI entity usage attribute.

modification level (mod level, modlevel)Integer

The (possibly invalid) modification level of the entity.

valid modification level (valid mod level, validmod)Integer

The valid modification level of the entity.

bit combination size (bitcsize)Integer
word size and bit-combination ordering (word size, wordsize)Integer list
alternative SOS sequences (sos sequences, sosseqs)Node list (subnode)

Node class sos sequence (sosseq)

Content propertySEQUENCE

A storage object specification sequence.

Data typeDescriptionNote
sos sequence (sequence)Node list (subnode)

Node class storage object specification (storage object spec, sos)

Content propertySOI
Data typeDescriptionNote
storage manager name (smname)String
record boundary indicator (records)Enumerated value
  • asis
  • record management system (rms)
  • lf
  • cr
  • crlf
  • lfcr
  • find
record tracking (tracking)Boolean
bit combination transformation format (bctf)String
occupied extents (extents)Node list (subnode)
zap end-of-file (zap eof, zapeof)Boolean
compression information (compress)String
encryption information (encrypt)String
integrity information (seal)String
storage object identifier (storage object id, soi)String

Node class storage object extent (soextent)

Content propertynone
Data typeDescriptionNote
first octet (firstoct)Integer
octet count (octcount)Integer
last octet (lastoct)Integer